
KS1 (Years 1-2) Maths

Led by our subject experts, this course provides a comprehensive coverage of the Mathematics curricula for Key Stages 1-2 students and has different classes for 6+, 7+, 8+, 9+ and 10+ learning. By using the best technological tools to support learning, your child will consolidate and develop new skills in intelligible and fun ways.

KS2 (Years 3-6) Maths

This course is designed to ensure that your child gets the best support to excel in his/her 11+ assessment in any targeted school. The curriculum is thoroughly covered while individual needs of students are met through weekly assignments and tutorial sessions. Special approaches are also used to coach students for specific schools.

KS3 (Years 7-9) Maths

This course is popular among our 11+, 12+, 13+, 14+ cohorts as almost all of our students go on to dominate their classes and eventually get the highest grades at GCSE. Our professional teachers use the best tools to support and consolidate your child’s learning. Most students have boasted their best grades in Maths after taking this course.

KS4 (Years 10-11) Maths

GCSE Maths

Consistently hailed as an outstanding course by our students as it offers comprehensive online lessons and tutorial support to ensure their success. This course can be taken to support your child’s school curricula or as an independent course to sit GCSE Maths at one of our independent centres. All topics across numbers, algebra, geometry, statistics and probability are tailored to every child’s needs. But most importantly, we work with students to close their gaps in learning and improve their strengths to excel in the subject.

Additional and Advance Subsidiary (AS) Maths

This is the perfect course for students who aspire to get a top grade in GCSE Maths while being introduced to A-Level Maths. Many students start the course from Year 10 and sit the exam at the end of Year 11 alongside their GCSE Maths. These students generally go on to do very well at A-Levels. Topics included in the course are coordinate geometry and binomial theorem. Some students choose to do this course during the first year of their A-Level campaign to get up to speed quickly by closing the gap from GCSE Maths.

KS5 (Years 12-13)

A-Level Maths

This critical course is supported by our professional tutors who got the highest grades in the subject as well. Our tutors have many years of experience in fields such as engineering and finance to support the vigorous demands of your child’s learning across the range of topics in the course: pure Maths, statistics and mechanics. We make the course very exciting and memorable by discussing real-life practical applications. But above all, we provide the platform for your child to get the best grade in the subject.

Further Maths

Our Further Maths students get outstanding grades as they are supported by our Higher Education experts who are leaders in the subject. They also have many years of experience in industries such as engineering and finance to support the high expectations for your child’s learning. Topics covered will include complex numbers, mathematical modelling and optional applications. Students are also provided with career development prospects in Maths from our professionals whilst providing the best opportunities to get an excellent grade in their exam.
