More than half of new GCSEs and A levels still not ready with less than 16 school weeks to go

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The government is being urged to “get its act together” over delays to the approval process for new GCSE and A levels, after education secretary Nicky Morgan admitted that most specifications had still not been approved with just 16 school weeks to go before they are taught. Figures from exams watchdog Ofqual and highlighted in this week’s TES magazine show that 66 of 156 specifications have been accredited, leaving 90, or 58 per cent, still in draft form. This includes all GCSE science papers, none of w

Source: More than half of new GCSEs and A levels still not ready with less than 16 school weeks to go | News

glenMore than half of new GCSEs and A levels still not ready with less than 16 school weeks to go
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Students given two final chances to resit legacy GCSEs | News

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Students who fail to obtain a C grade in GCSE English or maths this summer will be given two final opportunities to resit the legacy qualifications, Ofqual has confirmed. The final summer sitting of the exams for the current GCSEs in English, English language and maths was due to take place this year, ahead of the transition to the new, tougher qualifications – including what has been dubbed “big fat maths”. However, the exams regulator has been consulting on plans to offer extra sittings of the legacy G

Source: Students given two final chances to resit legacy GCSEs | News

glenStudents given two final chances to resit legacy GCSEs | News
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